Gratitude Journal
365 Days of Gratitude
2020 came in with boxing gloves on and I, like many others, wasn't prepared. Holding my New Year's Resolutions in my heart, I watched the world around me seemingly crumble. Sudden job loss, and instant 75% cut to my income, surviving a pandemic, loss of loved ones, the excitement of my first pregnancy quickly followed by a miscarriage -- y'all, I truly felt hopeless & defeated.
But in the midst of all that, I was reminded of all the beautiful things, people and experiences that remained. And by choosing to express gratitude for what I already had instead of mourning over what I had lost, I was lifted out of the depression I had fallen into.
I created this 365 day journal as a reminder that there is always something to be grateful for and I'd like to share it with you. If you'd like to express more gratitude in your life, click the Amazon link below to grab your copy today. 🌸

I'll be the first to admit that there are some things I'd love to accomplish but I haven't because of fear. I've been afraid to face the truth. The truth about what I really think about myself and my ability to accomplish something so far outside my comfort zone. I'm also afraid that even if I succeed, the success won't last long and soon after I'll end up where I started.
As I continue to fight through my limiting beliefs, the lyrics of my song, "Til You Get There" replay in my head. And the part that stands out the most is the line that says, "Everything that you want is on the other side of your fears...". I truly believe this even though this is a daily struggle. But I will push past this sooner than later and if you're going through a similar situation, I hope you'll do the same. #wecandothis

Tasha LaRae Bio
International recording artist, Tasha LaRae is blazing her trail around the world with soulful house & R&B vocals that will keep you dancing and feeling optimistic about life.
Although her roots are deep in the Midwest (she was born & raised in Omaha, Nebraska), relocating to Atlanta, Georgia has given Ms. LaRae the inspiration and opportunities needed to develop her unique sound and shape her artistry.
Tasha dove; head first, into the Atlanta music scene as a background vocalist, session singer, and songwriter for local artists in the early 2000s...